Body Massage
A deeply relaxing treatment customized to focus on areas of tension to release muscle tightness and eliminate stress and fatigue.
Working on the muscles of your back, neck, arms, shoulders and legs, this firm pressure massage will relax your muscles and lift your state of mind. Perfect for discomforts such as a stiff neck, lower back pain and sore, tight shoulders. A mild soreness may result with deeper muscle work. Each treatment is personalized to meet your specific needs.
*This is a Spa massage and is not covered by insurance. Please refer to Registered Massage Therapy for massage covered by insurance.
30min / $48
50min / $72
1HR / $85
75min / $105
90min / $125
2HR / $170
Aromatherapy (choice of Lavender or Eucalyptus) +$15
Registered massage therapy
30min / 45min / 60min / 75 min / 90min
$87 / $115 / $145 / $190 / $217
Lymphatic Drainage Massage 75min / $130
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is extremely effective at addressing people with lymphedema, headaches, insomnia, swelling, lowered immune response, chronic fatigue, allergies, and weight loss. We use light, long, rhythmic strokes that gets the lymph fluid moving and directs the toxins into the organs that can properly remove them.
What are the benefits?
A lymphatic drainage massage is commonly used for its ability to:
Reduce stress and fatigue
Reduce bloating and water retention
Boost immunity
Speed up healing and recovery from surgeries
Boost weight loss
Improve cellulite, skin swelling, scar tissue, acne, and stretch marks
Help with post exercise recovery
Couples room available upon request
buy a package of 10
10 x 50mins for $650 (reg. $720) plus tax.
Can be shared with family and friends. The more the merrier!
*Expires one year from purchase. Does not include Lymphatic massage.